
Bruce head shot

Bruce Ransom is a freelance writer, photographer and fisheries biologist from the Pacific Northwest. He has published nonfiction in Backpacker, Snowy Egret, Big City Rhythm & Blues, Fur-Fish-Game, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, Hydro Review, and Northwest (Oregonian), among others. His fiction has been published in Open Spaces and EWR: Short Stories. Bruce’s wildlife photography has been published in Sports Afield, Fur-Fish-Game, Washington Wildlife and others. He has not attended any writing retreats, has not won any writing awards, and does not have an agent. All he has is a B.A. in English Composition (University of Washington). Bruce lives in Seattle amiably with his ex-wife Sonia and her stray cat Little Gray, or Little Grey, depending on who you ask.

Among other jobs, Bruce has worked as a carpenter, clothes salesman, concrete former, corporate executive, dishwasher, fisheries biologist, grocery stock clerk, house painter, hydroacoustician, laundryman, musician, mailman, photographer, salmon hatchery worker, security guard, sheetrock installer, still operator, wallpaper hanger, warehouseman, and wildlife biologist.  He is currently unemployed.

Cabin Exterior 4

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